Overview of the Sacraments

Hang on tight, we only have 6 sessions left of the RCIA / Adult Religious Ed program. :) I can only hope and  pray that this journey for you has been informative enough for you to make an honest "yes" when you receive your sacraments.

We have just completed the Seven Sacraments. Just remember the key to each of the sacraments is God, himself. In each sacrament, God offers his 'grace' to us. The grace he offers to us is enough to sustain us as we journey on in life.
Here's a the sacraments in brief:
Sacraments of Initiation:
1. Baptism - We become adopted children of God and members of the Church.
2. Confirmation - Our baptismal promises are "sealed" with Holy Spirit.
3. Eucharist - The Sacrament of all sacraments. The true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, in the form of bread & wine.

Sacraments of Healing:
1. Reconciliation / Penance / Confession - In this sacrament, the sins we commit after Baptism is forgiven & absolved.
2. Anointing of the Sick - In this sacrament, a sick person unites his or her suffering with Christ and is anointed with oil.

Sacraments of Service or Vocation: Service of the 'other' through a life of faith, hope & love.
1. Matrimony - Man & woman unite themselves out of love for each other. The bible begins with Adam & Eve; God tells them to be fruitful & multiply.
2. Holy Orders - Man has been called to the life of the Church as a priest. There are three (3) degrees of Holy Orders; a. Deacon b. Priest c. Bishop.

After learning about what the bible, early church Fathers, the Catechism of the Catholic has taught us about the Creed, Liturgy and the Sacraments, next week we will focus on keeping open communication with God through Prayer.

The topic of prayer is in Chapter 35 & 36 in book US Catholic Catechism for Adults. I ask that you read Chapter 35 first for next week.

Here is the PowerPoint presentation: Sacraments in Review
Additional Notes other than our book US Catholic Catechism for Adults
LPI, The Seven Sacraments
Catechism of the Catholic Church- Seven Sacraments


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