Prayers & Practices: Session 19 & 20

In session 19, I spoke about the three main prayers (among many) that I believe every Catholic should. These prayers are: the Glory Be (Doxology), the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary.
Here's a few highlights from the class:

  1. Doxology means a prayer of praise or glory. The Glory Be is a beautiful prayer to our Blessed Trinity. 
  2. The Lord's prayer was given to us by Jesus to his disciples: see Matthew 6:9, or Luke 11: 1
  3. The first part of the Hail Mary can be found in Luke's gospel: see Luke 1:28 & Luke 1:42
In session 20, yesterday, we spoke of other useful prayers such as the Lectio Divina, Adoration prayers, the Angelus,  etc.

Here are the PowerPoint presentations & handouts used in both sessions
Session 19
Session 20 
The Angelus & Regina Coeli
Lord's Prayer
Lectio Divina
Stations of the Cross
Traditional Prayers
Holy hour

I want to thank you for participating in our Lenten retreat yesterday as well
Here is the PowerPoint presentation: Lenten Retreat

In our final sessions we will practice the How To's (Reconciliation, Communion & Confirmation)


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