Overview: From Intro through Liturgy – Session XI

I can’t believe that we are halfway to the end of RCIA/Adult Religious Ed program. Counting this session, we have completed eleven sessions together and we have covered a lot. Here is a breakdown of what we’ve covered thus far:
1.     Intro to RCIA: We discussed “remembering” or reflecting on the past or any situation as well as making good & honest choices.
2.     CREED/The Trinity: God’s desire for us & our desire for God. It is God who calls us, draws us nearer to him and our response to God.
3.     CREED/ Holy Trinity: Three beautiful & very distinct persons in ONE God…Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
4.     CREED/ Mary and the Saints: God had called Mary to be the mother of our Lord and with complete trust in God, she responded with a yes. We look to her as our mother and role model of faith.
5.     CREED/ The Four Marks of the Church: one, holy, catholic & apostolic. CREED/Resurrection of the Body & Life Everlasting: Just like Jesus, we too will one day rise from the dead & live an everlasting life with God along with the saints.
6.     Biblical History: A collection of oral and written Sacred Scriptures or Writings passed down through the ages. There are 73 books in total. 
7.     Old Testament: Central theme in the Old Testament is God’s relationship with his chosen people and the promise of the Messiah.
8.     New Testament: Central theme in the New Testament is the life & teachings of the Messiah, Jesus (or God himself) and the teachings of the Apostles after Jesus ascends into heaven.
9.     Liturgy-Seasons: “Advent – Christmas – Lent – Easter – Ordinary Time” There is a 3-year cycle: Year A (Gospel of Matthew), Year B (Gospel of Mark) & Year C (Gospel of John).
10.  Liturgy-Celebrations: In every Liturgy, the main focus is on the Holy Trinity. It is a ritual that celebrates the Mass, the Sacraments & Prayer Services.
11.  Brief Overview of what we have covered thus far in this Eleventh Session.

In our next session, we will be discussing the Sacraments that were instituted by Christ. We will focus a bit more on the Sacrament(s) that you will be receiving in 2020.
Hope you and your loved ones have a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year! See you next year 😊
Here’s the video we share in class as well as the presentation I shared in class...click here for the presentation.


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