Overview: From Intro through Liturgy – Session XI

I can’t believe that we are halfway to the end of RCIA/Adult Religious Ed program. Counting this session, we have completed eleven sessions together and we have covered a lot. Here is a breakdown of what we’ve covered thus far: 1. Intro to RCIA : We discussed “ remembering” or reflecting on the past or any situation as well as making good & honest choices . 2. CREED/The Trinity: God’s desire for us & our desire for God. It is God who calls us , draws us nearer to him and our response to God. 3. CREED/ Holy Trinity: Three beautiful & very distinct persons in ONE God…Father, Son & Holy Spirit. 4. CREED/ Mary and the Saints : God had called Mary to be the mother of our Lord and with complete trust in God, she responded with a yes. We look to her as our mother and role model of faith. 5. CREED/ The Four Marks of the Church : on...