Biblical History and the Old Testament

This week’s session is not about our approach to the Bible as “history” but how the “Oral Sacred Tradition” turned into “Written Sacred Tradition” to form many writings into one book: the Bible. In fact, the word bible comes from the Greek word biblio meaning a collection of books or library. Plus, in the Latin languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese & Romanian) they all share the word for Library which is Biblioteca. In French it is slightly different bibliothèque. I’ve just realized by using Google Translate some Slavic and German languages share a similar translation; which I find interesting and good to know! Okay enough about where the word derives from, LOL.

I do believe that it is important to understand the word “Bible.”  This ONE book is a collection of writings which took many centuries to write, preserve and pass down through many generations. However, this one book is not just about God’s relationship to the people of the past, but also about how God is very much active in our lives today! It is “our” story; God & us.

In the Old Testament (aka Old Covenant), we find out who this God is (or at least a glimpse of who He is) in relation to the Hebrews: the chosen people. Here we find an active God: first creating then loving then punishing then showing mercy. Which comes to a full circle; meaning this “mercy” is God’s gift to His people. He is “creating” something new in the hearts of His people.

I hope this brief summary of tonight’s session helps. If not, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Here is the PowerPoint Presentation along with my notes given this evening: 
Here is the HOMEWORK
Here is Bishop Barron’s video on How to Read the Bible:


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